I don't sugar coat shit, I'm not Willy Wonka....
Today was a shit day, actually the last few were shit days. It was low, the worst day I have had in awhile. Which, kind of took me by surprise, because I feel like I have been doing so well; writing, self care, doing more of the shit that I love to do. So, when I woke up, got the kids situated, looked at my bank account before I go treat myself to a coffee.... My bank account laughs at me, sticks up it's middle finger at me and says a big fuck you, you are not getting no fucking coffee today bitch. Just like that. I pick myself up, get the kids out the door, and go back the fuck to bed. Yes, I did. I took the kids out on Sunday for my daughter to get a dress for her first Junior High School Dance. I did spend a few more dollars then I should have but I thought I had put some dollars aside but bills and a few other things I needed. Well, bring in misc. payment and a I fucked up, and that was it. I'm usually pretty good with my money because if I'm not,...