Mom, Part 1. *Warning, read at your own discretion, some content may be disturbing to some readers*
This is a really personal entry today, it is the truth as I remember it. I'm trying to write this objectively so the details are unbiased. I won't be using names, except for my mom's, who is deceased. Some details, may not be as accurate in the timeline because I was pretty young when a lot of this happened. The events, however, are as I remember them, and how they were described to me, regarding the ones I was not present for. Some of you may know, and some of you not. My mom was a drug addict. Crack was her drug of choice and I spent most of my child/young adulthood taking care of her and trying to make her better, to get back to the mom that I remembered and loved. Her addictions have ruined personal friendships, relationships and divided our family. There was always constant fighting and arguing, and anxiety and stress fueled the energy in our house. There was A LOT of fighting and I remember waiting to see if it would settle down on...